ACA Mental Health

Over capacity Federal officials estimate that one in four people with no insurance have mental health or substance abuse conditions. They expect 32 million new patients to seek care under the new law. Dr. Ranga Ram, a psychiatrist in Brandywine Hundred, Del., expects far more emerging psychiatric patients than the state’s system can absorb. (Photo: Emily Varisco, The (Wilmington, Del.) News Journal) In Delaware, which has an estimated 90,000 uninsured residents, that would mean about 22,500 with potential need for care not counting those who already have some kind of medical insurance but none for mental health or substance abuse.
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For consumers whose health premiums will go up under new law, sticker shock leads to anger

But her monthly premium, now $297, would be $165 higher, and her maximum out-of-pocket costs would double. That means she could end up paying at least $5,000 more a year than she does now. Thats just not fair, said Persico, who represents indigent criminal defendants. This is ridiculous. If the poor, sick and uninsured are the winners under the Affordable Care Act, the losers appear toinclude some relatively healthy middle-income small-business owners, consultants, lawyers and other self-employed workers who buy their own insurance.
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Obama Health Care Law Finally Gets Real For America

Because nobody will sell it to me,'” said Bonnie Burns, a longtime community-level insurance counselor from California. “We have family members who are violently opposed to ‘Obamacare’ and they are on Medicaid they don’t understand that they’re already covered by taxpayer benefits. “And then there is a young man with lupus who would have never been insurable,” Burns continued. “He is on his parents’ plan and he’ll be able to buy his own coverage.
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